Being Well Project – Monday 17th July, 2017

Date(s) - 17/07/2017
10:00 am - 3:30 pm

The Dog Inn at Belthorn



Join us at The Dog Inn, Belthorn and learn more about this pioneering
project, organised by the Plunkett Foundation.

The Plunkett Foundation is inviting experts from the co-operative, health,
social care and community sectors to explore ideas for solutions to health,
care and wellbeing challenges in their community.

Is everyone in your village or town as active, well, cared for and connected
as they could be?

Every place and person is different, of course, so our aim is to help you
find out what might work in your community. This could be anything around
health and wellbeing, from addressing loneliness or walking groups and
exercise, learning how to eat or cook more healthily, to supporting older
people to stay in their community.

We want to support a range of local community led solutions that keep people
healthy, cared-for and connected to their community.

Until the end of this year, 2017, we can offer you a one-off opportunity to
be part of our  <> Being
Well project and receive specialist support, a small pot of funding and
study visits to existing projects.

The aim is not to address illness and poor health, but to build on the
community strengths in rural areas to focus on wellbeing and prevention,
with strong links to local care and medical health services.

We are looking for ideas for enterprising solutions to the challenges of
rural health and care in England. This may involve:

.       Existing community groups and co-operatives introducing a new

.       A new enterprise being developed, perhaps involving more than one
stakeholder group such as clients, workers, volunteers and partner

What do we offer?

.       A set of ‘stimulus materials’ to help community entrepreneurs
explore ideas for solutions to health and social care challenges in their

.       Supplemented with specialist advice and / or study visits for 10
pioneer groups who want to develop their ideas further

At the end of 2017, we are looking to have helped 10 pioneer groups to turn
their ideas into business development plans.

Who can get involved?

We would love to hear from anyone who is passionate about exploring new
community-led models to taking care of health and well-being in rural
England. You could be a:

.       health or care professional – looking for ways to involve clients
and their families in designing and producing services

.       commissioner of local services – looking for ways to increase
wellbeing and reduce need for more costly services, e.g. through social

.       policy expert or funder – with ideas about new models,
internationally or in the UK, that use social enterprise in health and care

.       community co-operative – with ideas about improving local health,
wellbeing and connectedness

.       charity or social enterprise – looking to share experience or
explore benefits of co-operative models, such as multi-stakeholding

We are not prescriptive about the area of health or social care you are
interested in, but open to all ideas as long as they are
community-controlled and have the potential to be sustainable. Just take our
<> ‘Interested in
Community Controlled Care’ Challenge.

How do I find out more?

Join us at our regional event open to Plunkett members and other rural
community groups or entrepreneurs interested in this project

.        <> Monday 17
July, The Dog Inn, Belthorn, Lancashire – online booking link

.       If you are not a Member of the Plunkett Foundation, please click on
the Afternoon Community Controlled Care Session and Networking Lunch options
for your tickets – both of which are free to non-members

.       For more information or if you have any questions, please email us
( or call the project advice line on 01993 810730.

Good health is an enabler, letting us get on with what’s important to us –
having a family, enjoying time with our friends and in our communities, or
working. Yet it is the concept of ‘ill health’, rather than ‘good health’
that dictates our health services and defines their measures of success.
(Innovation Unit Report: 10 ideas for 21st century healthcare)